Source code for rtm.grid

import os
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import add_shading
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
from rasterio.enums import Resampling

from . import RTMWarning, _estimate_utm_crs, _proj_from_grid, _grid_progress_bar
from .plotting import _plot_geographic_context
from .stack import calculate_semblance
from .travel_time import celerity_travel_time, fdtd_travel_time

MIN_CELERITY = 220  # [m/s] Used for travel time buffer calculation

OUTPUT_DIR = 'rtm_dem'  # Name of directory to place rtm_dem_*.tif files into
                        # (created in same dir as where function is called)

# Values in brackets below are latitude, longitude, x_radius, y_radius, spacing
TEMPLATE = 'rtm_dem_{:.4f}_{:.4f}_{}x_{}y_{}m.tif'

NODATA = -9999  # Nodata value to use for output rasters

# Define some conversion factors
KM2M = 1000     # [m/km]

[docs] def define_grid(lon_0, lat_0, x_radius, y_radius, spacing, projected=False, plot_preview=False): """ Define the spatial grid of trial source locations. Grid can be defined in either a latitude/longitude or projected UTM (i.e., Cartesian) coordinate system. Args: lon_0 (int or float): [deg] Longitude of grid center lat_0 (int or float): [deg] Latitude of grid center x_radius (int or float): [deg or m] Distance from `lon_0` to edge of grid (i.e., radius) y_radius (int or float): [deg or m] Distance from `lat_0` to edge of grid (i.e., radius) spacing (int or float): [deg or m] Desired grid spacing projected (bool): Toggle whether a latitude/longitude or UTM grid is used. If `True`, a UTM grid is used and the units of `x_radius`, `y_radius`, and `spacing` are interpreted in meters instead of in degrees (default: `False`) plot_preview (bool): Toggle plotting a preview of the grid for reference and troubleshooting (default: `False`) Returns: :class:`~xarray.DataArray` object containing the grid coordinates and metadata """ print('-------------') print('DEFINING GRID') print('-------------') # Make coordinate vectors if projected: utm_crs = _estimate_utm_crs(lat_0, lon_0) proj = Transformer.from_crs(utm_crs.geodetic_crs, utm_crs) x_0, y_0 = proj.transform(lat_0, lon_0) zone_number = int(utm_crs.utm_zone[:-1]) else: x_0, y_0, = lon_0, lat_0 # Using np.linspace() in favor of np.arange() due to precision advantages x, dx = np.linspace(x_0 - x_radius, x_0 + x_radius, int(2 * x_radius / spacing) + 1, retstep=True) y, dy = np.linspace(y_0 - y_radius, y_0 + y_radius, int(2 * y_radius / spacing) + 1, retstep=True) # Basic grid checks if dx != spacing: warnings.warn(f'Requested spacing of {spacing} does not match ' f'np.linspace()-returned x-axis spacing of {dx}.', RTMWarning) if dy != spacing: warnings.warn(f'Requested spacing of {spacing} does not match ' f'np.linspace()-returned y-axis spacing of {dy}.', RTMWarning) if not (x_0 in x and y_0 in y): warnings.warn('(x_0, y_0) is not located in grid. Check for numerical ' 'precision problems (i.e., rounding error).', RTMWarning) if projected: # Create list of grid corners in UTM zone of grid origin corners = dict(SW=(x.min(), y.min()), NW=(x.min(), y.max()), NE=(x.max(), y.max()), SE=(x.max(), y.min())) for label, corner in corners.items(): # "Un-project" back to latitude/longitude lat, lon = proj.transform(*corner, direction='INVERSE') # "Re-project" to UTM new_zone_number = int(_estimate_utm_crs(lat, lon).utm_zone[:-1]) if new_zone_number != zone_number: warnings.warn(f'{label} grid corner locates to UTM zone ' f'{new_zone_number} instead of origin UTM zone ' f'{zone_number}. Consider reducing grid extent ' 'or using an unprojected grid.', RTMWarning) # Create grid data = np.full((y.size, x.size), np.nan) # Initialize an array of NaNs # Add grid "metadata" attrs = dict(grid_center=(lon_0, lat_0), x_radius=x_radius, y_radius=y_radius, spacing=spacing) if projected: # Add the projection information to the grid metadata attrs['UTM'] = dict(zone=zone_number, southern_hemisphere=lat_0 < 0) else: attrs['UTM'] = None grid_out = xr.DataArray(data, coords=[('y', y), ('x', x)], attrs=attrs) print('Done') # Plot grid preview, if specified if plot_preview: print('Generating grid preview plot...') if projected: projection = ccrs.UTM(**grid_out.UTM) transform = projection else: # This is a good projection to use since it preserves area projection = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=lon_0, central_latitude=lat_0, standard_parallels=(y.min(), y.max())) transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), subplot_kw=dict(projection=projection)) if not projected: _plot_geographic_context(ax=ax) # Note that trial source locations are at the CENTER of each plotted # grid box grid_out.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax, transform=transform, edgecolor='black', add_colorbar=False) # Plot the center of the grid ax.scatter(lon_0, lat_0, s=50, color='limegreen', edgecolor='black', label='Grid center', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Add a legend ax.legend(loc='best') print('Done') return grid_out
[docs] def produce_dem(grid, external_file=None, plot_output=True, output_file=False): """ Produce a digital elevation model (DEM) with the same extent, spacing, and UTM projection as an input projected RTM grid. The data source can be either a user-supplied file or global SRTM 1 arc-second (~30 m) data taken from the GMT server. A DataArray and (optionally) a GeoTIFF file are created. Optionally plot the output DEM. Output GeoTIFF files are placed in ``./rtm_dem`` (relative to where this function is called). **NOTE 1** The filename convention for output files is ``rtm_dem_<lat_0>_<lon_0>_<x_radius>x_<y_radius>y_<spacing>m.tif`` See the docstring for :func:`define_grid` for details/units. **NOTE 2** PyGMT caches downloaded SRTM tiles in the directory ``~/.gmt/server/earth/``. If you're concerned about space, you can delete this directory. It will be created again the next time an SRTM tile is requested. Args: grid (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Projected :math:`(x, y)` grid; i.e., output of :func:`define_grid` with `projected=True` external_file (str): Filename of external DEM file to use. If `None`, then SRTM data is used (default: `None`) plot_output (bool): Toggle plotting a hillshade of the output DEM - useful for identifying voids or artifacts (default: `True`) output_file (bool): Toggle creation of output GeoTIFF file (default: `False`) Returns: 2-D :class:`~xarray.DataArray` of elevation values with identical shape to input grid. """ print('--------------') print('PROCESSING DEM') print('--------------') # Define transform to convert (lat, lon) points to a grid's UTM projection proj = _proj_from_grid(grid) # If an external DEM file was not supplied, use SRTM data if not external_file: print('No external DEM file provided. Will use 1 arc-second SRTM data ' 'from GMT server. Checking for PyGMT...') try: import pygmt except ImportError as error: raise ImportError( 'PyGMT not found. Please install via\n\nconda install --channel conda-forge pygmt\n\nand try again.' ) from error # Find corners going clockwise from SW (in UTM coordinates) corners_utm = [(grid.x.values.min(), grid.y.values.min()), (grid.x.values.min(), grid.y.values.max()), (grid.x.values.max(), grid.y.values.max()), (grid.x.values.max(), grid.y.values.min())] # Convert to lat/lon lats = [] lons = [] for corner in corners_utm: lat, lon = proj.transform(*corner, direction='INVERSE') lats.append(lat) lons.append(lon) # [deg] (lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax) # np.floor and np.ceil here ensure we download more data than we need region = [np.floor(min(lons)), np.ceil(max(lons)), np.floor(min(lats)), np.ceil(max(lats))] # Use PyGMT to download DEM (or retrieve from cache) with pygmt.config(GMT_VERBOSE='e'): # Suppress warnings dem = pygmt.datasets.load_earth_relief( resolution='01s', region=region, use_srtm=True ), inplace=True) # If an external DEM file was supplied, use it else: dem_file = Path(str(external_file)).expanduser().resolve() # Check if file actually exists if not dem_file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(dem_file) print(f'Using external DEM file:\n\t{dem_file}') dem = xr.open_dataarray(dem_file) # Clean DEM before going further, and write UTM CRS info dem = dem.squeeze(drop=True).rename('elevation') try: proj_target_crs = proj.target_crs except AttributeError: # No target_crs property for pyproj < 3.3.0! proj_target_crs = CRS(proj.to_proj4().split(' +step ')[-1]) grid_crs = grid.copy().rio.write_crs(proj_target_crs) # Project DEM to UTM, further relabeling dem_utm =, nodata=NODATA, resampling=Resampling.cubic_spline), inplace=True, encoded=True) units = dict(units='m') dem_utm.attrs = units warnings.warn('Elevation units are assumed to be in meters!', RTMWarning) for coordinate in 'x', 'y': dem_utm[coordinate].attrs = units # Create an output GeoTIFF if requested if output_file: # Create output raster filename/path if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR): os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR) output_name = TEMPLATE.format(*grid.grid_center[::-1], grid.x_radius, grid.y_radius, grid.spacing) # Write to file output = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, output_name), tags=dict(AREA_OR_POINT='Point')) print(f'Created output DEM file:\n\t{os.path.abspath(output)}') # Insert DEM data into the same form as the input grid dem_grid = grid.copy() = # This will fail if the shapes are not identical![ == NODATA] = np.nan # Set NODATA values to np.nan[ < 0] = 0 # Set negative values (underwater?) to 0 print('Done') if plot_output: print('Generating DEM hillshade plot...') projection = ccrs.UTM(**dem_grid.UTM) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), subplot_kw=dict(projection=projection)) # Create hillshade shaded_dem = add_shading(dem_grid, azimuth=135, altitude=45) # Plot hillshade grid_shaded = grid.copy() = shaded_dem grid_shaded.plot.imshow(ax=ax, cmap='Greys_r', center=False, add_colorbar=False, transform=projection) # Add translucent DEM im = dem_grid.plot.imshow(ax=ax, cmap='magma', alpha=0.5, vmin=0, add_colorbar=False, transform=projection) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, label='Elevation (m)') cbar.solids.set_alpha(1) # Plot the center of the grid ax.scatter(*dem_grid.grid_center, s=50, color='limegreen', edgecolor='black', label='Grid center', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Add a legend ax.legend(loc='best') if external_file: source_label = os.path.abspath(external_file) else: source_label = '1 arc-second SRTM data' ax.set_title('{}\nResampled to {} m spacing'.format(source_label, dem_grid.spacing)) print('Done') return dem_grid
[docs] def calculate_time_buffer(grid, max_station_dist): """ Utility function for estimating the amount of time needed for an infrasound signal to propagate from a source located anywhere in the RTM grid to the station farthest from the RTM grid center. This "travel time buffer" helps ensure that enough data is downloaded. Args: grid (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Grid to use; output of :func:`define_grid` max_station_dist (int or float): [km] The longest distance from the grid center to a station Returns: Maximum travel time [s] expected for a source anywhere in the grid to the station farthest from the grid center """ # If projected grid, just calculate Euclidean distance for diagonal if grid.UTM: grid_diagonal = np.linalg.norm([grid.x_radius, grid.y_radius]) # [m] # If unprojected grid, find the "longer" of the two possible diagonals else: center_lon, center_lat = grid.grid_center corners = [(center_lat + grid.y_radius, center_lon + grid.x_radius), (center_lat - grid.y_radius, center_lon - grid.x_radius)] diags = [gps2dist_azimuth(*corner, center_lat, center_lon)[0] for corner in corners] grid_diagonal = np.max(diags) # [m] # Maximum distance a signal would have to travel is the longest distance # from the grid center to a station, PLUS the longest distance from the # grid center to a grid corner max_propagation_dist = max_station_dist * KM2M + grid_diagonal # [m] # Calculate maximum travel time time_buffer = max_propagation_dist / MIN_CELERITY # [s] return time_buffer
def _project_station_to_utm(tr, grid): """ Projects `tr.latitude`, `tr.longitude` into the UTM zone of the input grid. Issues a warning if the coordinates of `tr` would locate to another UTM grid instead. (The implication here is that the user is trying to use an oversized UTM grid and is better off using an unprojected grid instead.) Args: tr: A :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` containing station coordinates grid (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Projected :math:`(x, y)` grid; i.e., output of :func:`define_grid` with `projected=True` Returns: List of [`utm_x`, `utm_y`] coordinates for station associated with `tr` """ # Perform conversion to UTM proj = _proj_from_grid(grid) station_utm = proj.transform(tr.stats.latitude, tr.stats.longitude) # Check if station is outside of grid UTM zone station_zone_number = int(_estimate_utm_crs(tr.stats.latitude, tr.stats.longitude).utm_zone[:-1]) grid_zone_number = grid.UTM['zone'] if station_zone_number != grid_zone_number: warnings.warn(f'{} locates to UTM zone {station_zone_number} ' f'instead of grid UTM zone {grid_zone_number}. Consider ' 'reducing station search extent or using an unprojected ' 'grid.', RTMWarning) return station_utm