Source code for rtm.plotting

import warnings
from datetime import datetime

import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
import numpy as np
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth

from . import RTMWarning, _proj_from_grid
from .stack import get_peak_coordinates

[docs] def plot_time_slice(S, processed_st, time_slice=None, label_stations=True, hires=False, dem=None, plot_peak=True, xy_grid=None, cont_int=5, annot_int=50): """ Plot a time slice through :math:`S` to produce a map-view plot. If time is not specified, then the slice corresponds to the maximum of :math:`S` in the time direction. Can also plot the peak of the stack function over time. Args: S (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): The stack function :math:`S` processed_st (:class:``): Pre-processed Stream; output of :func:`~rtm.waveform.process_waveforms` (This is needed because Trace metadata from this Stream are used to plot stations on the map) time_slice (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`): Time of desired time slice. The nearest time in :math:`S` to this specified time will be plotted. If `None`, the time corresponding to :math:`\max(S)` is used (default: `None`) label_stations (bool): Toggle labeling stations with network and station codes (default: `True`) hires (bool): If `True`, use higher-resolution coastlines, which looks better but can be slow (default: `False`) dem (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Overlay time slice on a user-supplied DEM from :class:`~rtm.grid.produce_dem` (default: `None`) plot_peak (bool): Plot the peak stack function over time as a subplot (default: `True`) xy_grid (int, float, or None): If not `None`, transforms UTM coordinates such that the grid center is at (0, 0) — the plot extent is then given by (-xy_grid, xy_grid) [meters] for easting and northing. Only valid for projected grids cont_int (int): Contour interval [m] for plots with DEM data annot_int (int): Annotated contour interval [m] for plots with DEM data (these contours are thicker and labeled) Returns: :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`: Output figure """ # Don't plot peak of stack function when length of stack is one if plot_peak and len(S.time) == 1: plot_peak = False warnings.warn('Stack time length = 1, not plotting peak', RTMWarning) st = processed_st.copy() # Get coordinates of stack maximum in (latitude, longitude) time_max, y_max, x_max, peaks, props = get_peak_coordinates(S, unproject=S.UTM) # Gather coordinates of grid center lon_0, lat_0 = S.grid_center if S.UTM: # Don't use cartopy for UTM projection = None transform = None plot_transform = None # Convert various locations from (latitude, longitude) to UTM proj = _proj_from_grid(S) lon_0, lat_0 = proj.transform(S.grid_center[1], S.grid_center[0]) x_max, y_max = proj.transform(y_max, x_max) for tr in st: tr.stats.longitude, tr.stats.latitude = proj.transform( tr.stats.latitude, tr.stats.longitude ) else: # This is a good projection to use since it preserves area projection = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=lon_0, central_latitude=lat_0, standard_parallels=(S.y.values.min(), S.y.values.max())) transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() plot_transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() if plot_peak: fig, (ax, ax1) = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 12), nrows=2, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [3, 1]}, subplot_kw=dict(projection=projection)) #axes kluge so the second one can have a different projection ax1.remove() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(414) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), subplot_kw=dict(projection=projection)) # In either case, we convert from UTCDateTime to np.datetime64 if time_slice: time_to_plot = np.datetime64(time_slice) else: time_to_plot = np.datetime64(time_max) slice = S.sel(time=time_to_plot, method='nearest') # Convert UTM grid/etc to x/y coordinates with (0,0) as origin if xy_grid: # Make sure this is a projected grid if not S.UTM: raise ValueError('xy_grid can only be used with projected grids!') print(f'Converting to x/y grid, cropping {xy_grid:d} m from center') # Update dataarrays to x/y coordinates from dem x0 = + slice.x_radius y0 = + slice.y_radius slice = slice.assign_coords(x=( - x0)) slice = slice.assign_coords(y=( - y0)) # In case DEM has different extent than slice if dem is not None: x0_dem = + dem.x_radius y0_dem = + dem.y_radius dem = dem.assign_coords(x=( - x0_dem)) dem = dem.assign_coords(y=( - y0_dem)) lon_0 = lon_0 - x0 lat_0 = lat_0 - y0 x_max = x_max - x0 y_max = y_max - y0 for tr in st: tr.stats.longitude = tr.stats.longitude - x0 tr.stats.latitude = tr.stats.latitude - y0 if dem is None: if not S.UTM: _plot_geographic_context(ax=ax, hires=hires) alpha = 0.5 else: alpha = 1 # Can plot slice as opaque for UTM plots w/o DEM, since nothing beneath slice slice_plot_kwargs = dict(ax=ax, alpha=alpha, cmap='viridis', add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) else: # Rounding to nearest cont_int all_levels = np.arange(np.ceil(dem.min().data / cont_int), np.floor(dem.max().data / cont_int) + 1) * cont_int # Rounding to nearest annot_int annot_levels = np.arange(np.ceil(dem.min().data / annot_int), np.floor(dem.max().data / annot_int) + 1) * annot_int # Ensure we don't draw annotated levels twice cont_levels = [] for level in all_levels: if level not in annot_levels: cont_levels.append(level) dem.plot.contour(ax=ax, colors='k', levels=cont_levels, zorder=-1, linewidths=0.3) # Use thicker lines for annotated contours cs = dem.plot.contour(ax=ax, colors='k', levels=annot_levels, zorder=-1, linewidths=0.7) ax.clabel(cs, fontsize=9, fmt='%d', inline=True) # Actually annotate slice_plot_kwargs = dict(ax=ax, alpha=0.7, cmap='viridis', add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) # Mask areas outside of DEM extent # Select subset of DEM that slice occupies dem_slice = dem.sel(x=slice.x, y=slice.y, method='nearest')[np.isnan(] = np.nan if S.UTM: # imshow works well here (no gridlines in translucent plot) sm = slice.plot.imshow(zorder=0, **slice_plot_kwargs) plot_transform = ax.transData # Label axes according to choice of xy_grid or not if xy_grid: ax.set_xlabel('X [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Y [m]') else: ax.set_xlabel('UTM easting [m]') ax.set_ylabel('UTM northing [m]') ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', useOffset=False) else: # imshow performs poorly for Albers equal-area projection - use # pcolormesh instead (gridlines will show in translucent plot) sm = slice.plot.pcolormesh(transform=transform, **slice_plot_kwargs) # Initialize list of handles for legend h = [None, None, None] scatter_zorder = 5 # Plot center of grid h[0] = ax.scatter(lon_0, lat_0, s=50, color='limegreen', edgecolor='black', label='Grid center', transform=plot_transform, zorder=scatter_zorder) # Plot stack maximum if S.UTM: # x/y formatting label = 'Stack max' else: # Lat/lon formatting label = f'Stack max\n({y_max:.4f}, {x_max:.4f})' h[1] = ax.scatter(x_max, y_max, s=100, color='red', marker='*', edgecolor='black', label=label, transform=plot_transform, zorder=scatter_zorder) # Plot stations for tr in st: h[2] = ax.scatter(tr.stats.longitude, tr.stats.latitude, marker='v', color='orange', edgecolor='black', label='Station', transform=plot_transform, zorder=scatter_zorder) if label_stations: ax.text(tr.stats.longitude, tr.stats.latitude, ' {}.{}'.format(, tr.stats.station), verticalalignment='center_baseline', horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=10, color='white', transform=plot_transform, zorder=scatter_zorder, path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='black'), pe.Normal()], clip_on=True) ax.legend(h, [handle.get_label() for handle in h], loc='best', framealpha=1, borderpad=.3, handletextpad=.3) time_round = np.datetime64(slice.time.values + np.timedelta64(500, 'ms'), 's').astype(datetime) # Nearest second title = 'Time: {}'.format(time_round) if hasattr(S, 'celerity'): title += f'\nCelerity: {S.celerity:g} m/s' # Label global maximum if applicable if slice.time.values == time_max: title = 'GLOBAL MAXIMUM\n\n' + title ax.set_title(title, pad=20) # Show x- and y-axes w/ same scale if this is a Cartesian plot if S.UTM: ax.set_aspect('equal') # Crop plot to show just the slice area if xy_grid: ax.set_xlim(-xy_grid, xy_grid) ax.set_ylim(-xy_grid, xy_grid) ax_pos = ax.get_position() cloc = [ax_pos.x1+.02, ax_pos.y0, .02, ax_pos.height] cbaxes = fig.add_axes(cloc) cbar = fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cbaxes, label='Stack amplitude') cbar.solids.set_alpha(1) if plot_peak: plot_stack_peak(S, plot_max=True, ax=ax1) return fig
[docs] def plot_record_section(st, origin_time, source_location, plot_celerity=None, label_waveforms=True): """ Plot a record section based upon user-provided source location and origin time. Optionally plot celerity for reference, with two plotting options. Args: st (:class:``): Any Stream object with `tr.stats.latitude`, `tr.stats.longitude` attached origin_time (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`): Origin time for record section source_location (tuple): Tuple of (`lat`, `lon`) specifying source location plot_celerity: Can be either `'range'` or a single celerity or a list of celerities. If `'range'`, plots a continuous swatch of celerities from 260-380 m/s. Otherwise, plots specific celerities. If `None`, does not plot any celerities (default: `None`) label_waveforms (bool): Toggle labeling waveforms with network and station codes (default: `True`) Returns: :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`: Output figure """ st_edit = st.copy() for tr in st_edit: tr.stats.distance, _, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(*source_location, tr.stats.latitude, tr.stats.longitude) st_edit.trim(origin_time) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) st_edit.plot(fig=fig, type='section', orientation='horizontal', fillcolors=('black', 'black'), linewidth=0) ax = fig.axes[0] trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) if label_waveforms: for tr in st_edit: ax.text(1.01, tr.stats.distance / 1000, f'{}.{tr.stats.station}', verticalalignment='center', transform=trans, fontsize=10) pad = 0.1 # Move colorbar to the right to make room for labels else: pad = 0.05 # Matplotlib default for vertical colorbars if plot_celerity: # Check if user requested a continuous range of celerities if plot_celerity == 'range': inc = 0.5 # [m/s] celerity_list = np.arange(220, 350 + inc, inc) # [m/s] Includes # all reasonable # celerities zorder = -1 # Otherwise, they provided specific celerities else: # Type conversion if type(plot_celerity) is not list: plot_celerity = [plot_celerity] celerity_list = plot_celerity celerity_list.sort() zorder = None # Create colormap of appropriate length cmap ='rainbow', len(celerity_list)) colors = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] xlim = np.array(ax.get_xlim()) y_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] # Save this for re-scaling axis for celerity, color in zip(celerity_list, colors): ax.plot(xlim, xlim * celerity / 1000, label=f'{celerity:g}', color=color, zorder=zorder) ax.set_ylim(top=y_max) # Scale y-axis to pre-plotting extent # If plotting a continuous range, add a colorbar if plot_celerity == 'range': mapper = mapper.set_array(celerity_list) cbar = fig.colorbar(mapper, label='Celerity (m/s)', pad=pad, aspect=30) # If plotting discrete celerities, just add a legend else: ax.legend(title='Celerity (m/s)', loc='lower right', framealpha=1, edgecolor='inherit') ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) # Show all the way to zero offset time_round = np.datetime64(origin_time + 0.5, 's').astype(datetime) # Nearest second ax.set_xlabel('Time (s) from {}'.format(time_round)) ax.set_ylabel('Distance (km) from ' '({:.4f}, {:.4f})'.format(*source_location)) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def plot_st(st, filt, equal_scale=False, remove_response=False, label_waveforms=True): """ Plot Stream waveforms in a publication-quality figure. Multiple plotting options, including filtering. Args: st (:class:``): Any Stream object filt (list): A two-element list of lower and upper corner frequencies for filtering. Specify `None` if no filtering is desired. equal_scale (bool): Set equal scale for all waveforms (default: `False`) remove_response (bool): Remove response by applying sensitivity label_waveforms (bool): Toggle labeling waveforms with network and station codes (default: `True`) Returns: :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`: Output figure """ st_plot = st.copy() ntra = len(st) tvec = st_plot[0].times('matplotlib') if remove_response: print('Applying sensitivity') st_plot.remove_sensitivity() if filt: print('Filtering between %.1f-%.1f Hz' % (filt[0], filt[1])) st_plot.detrend(type='linear') st_plot.taper(max_percentage=.01) st_plot.filter("bandpass", freqmin=filt[0], freqmax=filt[1], corners=2, zerophase=True) if equal_scale: ym = np.max(st_plot.max()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6), nrows=ntra, sharex=True) for i, tr in enumerate(st_plot): ax[i].plot(tvec,, 'k-') ax[i].set_xlim(tvec[0], tvec[-1]) if equal_scale: ax[i].set_ylim(-ym, ym) else: ax[i].set_ylim(, plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=8) ax[i].ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') if[1] == 'D': ax[i].set_ylabel('Pressure [Pa]', fontsize=8) else: ax[i].set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]', fontsize=8) if label_waveforms: ax[i].text(.85, .9, f'{}.{tr.stats.station}.{}', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax[i].transAxes) # Tick locating and formatting locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator() ax[-1].xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax[-1].xaxis.set_major_formatter(_UTCDateFormatter(locator)) fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.12) return fig
[docs] def plot_stack_peak(S, plot_max=False, ax=None): """ Plot the stack function (at the spatial stack max) as a function of time. Args: S: :class:`~xarray.DataArray` containing the stack function :math:`S` plot_max (bool): Plot maximum value with red circle (default: `False`) ax (:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`): Pre-existing axes to plot into Returns: :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`: Output figure """ s_peak = S.max(axis=(1, 2)).data if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) else: fig = ax.get_figure() # Get figure to which provided axis belongs ax.plot(S.time, s_peak, 'k-') if plot_max: stack_maximum = S.where(S == S.max(), drop=True).squeeze() marker_kwargs = dict(marker='*', color='red', edgecolor='black', s=150, zorder=5, clip_on=False) if stack_maximum.size > 1: max_indices = np.argwhere(~np.isnan( ax.scatter(stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])], stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])].data, **marker_kwargs) warnings.warn(f'Multiple global maxima ({len(}) ' 'present in S!', RTMWarning) else: ax.scatter(,, **marker_kwargs) ax.set_xlim(S.time[0].data, S.time[-1].data) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) # Never can go below zero ax.set_ylabel('Max stack amplitude') # Tick locating and formatting locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_UTCDateFormatter(locator)) plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=30, ha='right') return fig
def _plot_geographic_context(ax, hires=False): """ Plot geographic basemap information on a map axis. Plots simple coastlines for unprojected plots. Args: ax (:class:`~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Existing axis to plot into hires (bool): If `True`, use higher-resolution coastlines (default: `False`) """ # Since unprojected grids have regional/global extent, just show the # coastlines and borders if hires: scale = '10m' else: scale = '50m' # Add ocean, land, lakes ax.add_feature(cfeature.OCEAN.with_scale(scale)) ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND.with_scale(scale), edgecolor='black') ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES.with_scale(scale), edgecolor='black') # Add country, state, and province borders states_provinces = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=scale, ) ax.add_feature(states_provinces, edgecolor='gray', facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS.with_scale(scale), edgecolor='gray') # Add gridlines and labels ax.gridlines(draw_labels=["x", "y", "left", "bottom"], linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') # Subclass ConciseDateFormatter (modifies __init__() and set_axis() methods) class _UTCDateFormatter(mdates.ConciseDateFormatter): def __init__(self, locator, tz=None): super().__init__(locator, tz=tz, show_offset=True) # Re-format datetimes self.formats[5] = '%H:%M:%S.%f' self.zero_formats = self.formats self.offset_formats = [ 'UTC time', 'UTC time in %Y', 'UTC time in %B %Y', 'UTC time on %Y-%m-%d', 'UTC time on %Y-%m-%d', 'UTC time on %Y-%m-%d', ] def set_axis(self, axis): self.axis = axis # If this is an x-axis (usually is!) then center the offset text if self.axis.axis_name == 'x': offset = self.axis.get_offset_text() offset.set_horizontalalignment('center') offset.set_x(0.5)