Source code for rtm.stack

import warnings

import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stream
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

from . import RTMWarning, _proj_from_grid

[docs] def get_peak_coordinates(S, global_max=True, height=None, min_time=None, prominence=None, unproject=False): """ Find the values of the coordinates corresponding to the maxima (peaks) in a stack function :math:`S`. Function will return all peaks above the `height` and separated by greater than `min_time` in the stack function. Returns just global max if there are less than three time segments. Optionally "unprojects" UTM coordinates to (latitude, longitude) for projected grids. Args: S (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): The stack function :math:`S` global_max (bool): Only return values for the max of the stack function (default: `True`) height (int or float): Minimum threshold for the value of a detection (peak) in :math:`S` (default: `None`). Only used if `global_max=False`. min_time (int or float): Minimum time (distance) between peaks in :math:`S` [s] (default: `None`). Only used if `global_max=False`. prominence (int or float): Minimum peak prominence. Represents the vertical distance between the peak and its lowest contour line. Only used if `global_max=False`. unproject (bool): If `True` and if `S` is a projected grid, unprojects the UTM coordinates to (latitude, longitude) (default: `False`) Returns: tuple: Tuple containing: - **time_max** (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`) – Time(s) corresponding to peak(s) in :math:`S` - **y_max** – [deg lat. or m N] :math:`y`-coordinate(s) corresponding to peak(s) in :math:`S` - **x_max** – [deg lon. or m E] :math:`x`-coordinate(s) corresponding to peak(s) in :math:`S` - **peaks** (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) – Peak indices - **props** – Dictionary containing peak properties """ # Create peak stack function over time s_peak = S.max(axis=(1, 2)).data # If there are less than three values, use global_max as find_peaks fails if len(s_peak) < 3: print('Stack function contains < 3 time samples, using global_max!') global_max = True s_peak = np.hstack((0, 0, s_peak, 0)) # Return just the global max or desired peaks. Check for multiple maxima # along each dimension and across the stack function if global_max: print('Returning just global max!') # Get global max stack_maximum = S.where(S == S.max(), drop=True) # Warn if we have multiple maxima along any dimension for dim in stack_maximum.coords: num_dim_maxima = stack_maximum[dim].size if num_dim_maxima != 1: warnings.warn(f'Multiple maxima ({num_dim_maxima}) present in S ' f'along the {dim} dimension.', RTMWarning) max_indices = np.argwhere(~np.isnan( num_global_maxima = max_indices.shape[0] if num_global_maxima != 1: warnings.warn(f'Multiple global maxima ({num_global_maxima}) present ' 'in S. Using first occurrence.', RTMWarning) # Find time index and values of first occurence first_max = np.where(stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])]['time'] == S['time'])[0] peaks = np.array(first_max) props = {'peak_heights': stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])].data} npeaks = len(peaks) time_max = [UTCDateTime(stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])]['time'].values.astype(str))] x_max = [stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])]['x'].values.tolist()] y_max = [stack_maximum[tuple(max_indices[0])]['y'].values.tolist()] else: if (height is None) or (min_time is None): raise ValueError('height and min_time must be supplied for peak ' 'detection when global_max=False!') # [s] Time sampling interval of S peak_dt = ([1] -[0]) / np.timedelta64(1, 's') # Find all peaks based on set thresholds peaks, props = find_peaks(s_peak, height, distance=min_time/peak_dt, prominence=prominence) npeaks = len(peaks) if prominence: print(f'Found {npeaks} peaks in stack for height > {height:.1f}, ' f'min_time > {min_time:.1f} s, and prominence > {prominence}.') else: print(f'Found {npeaks} peaks in stack for height > {height:.1f} and ' f'min_time > {min_time:.1f} s.') time_max = [UTCDateTime(S['time'][i].values.astype(str)) for i in peaks] x_max = [S[i].where(S[i] == S[i].max(), drop=True)['x'].values[0].tolist() for i in peaks] y_max = [S[i].where(S[i] == S[i].max(), drop=True)['y'].values[0].tolist() for i in peaks] if unproject: # If the grid is projected if S.UTM: print('Unprojecting coordinates from UTM to (latitude, longitude).') # Convert UTM coordinates to lat/lon proj = _proj_from_grid(S) for i in range(0, npeaks): y_max[i], x_max[i] = proj.transform(x_max[i], y_max[i], direction='INVERSE') # If the grid is already in lat/lon else: print('unproject=True is set but coordinates are already in ' '(latitude, longitude). Doing nothing.') # Return just a single float for global_max if global_max: time_max = time_max[0] x_max = x_max[0] y_max = y_max[0] return time_max, y_max, x_max, peaks, props
[docs] def calculate_semblance(data_in): """ Calculates the semblance, a measure of multi-channel coherence, following the definition of Neidell & Taner (1971). Assumes data are already time-shifted to construct the beam. Args: data_in: Time-shifted :class:`` or time-shifted :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Multi-channel coherence, defined on :math:`[0, 1]` """ if isinstance(data_in, Stream): # check that all traces have the same length if len(set([len(tr) for tr in data_in])) != 1: raise ValueError('Traces in stream must have same length!') n = len(data_in) beam = np.sum([ for tr in data_in], axis=0) / n beampower = n * np.sum(beam**2) avg_power = np.sum(np.sum([**2 for tr in data_in], axis=0)) elif isinstance(data_in, np.ndarray): n = data_in.shape[0] beam = np.sum(data_in, axis=0) / n beampower = n * np.sum(beam**2) avg_power = np.sum(np.sum([data_in**2], axis=0)) semblance = beampower / avg_power return semblance