Source code for rtm.travel_time

import glob
import json
import os
import pickle
import re
import time
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth

from . import RTMWarning, _proj_from_grid, _grid_progress_bar

[docs] def prepare_fdtd_run(FDTD_DIR, FILENAME_ROOT, station, dem, H_MAX, TEMP, MAX_T, DT, SRC_FREQ, SNAPOUT): """ Prepare and write RTM/FDTD files. Writes station, elevation, density, and sound speed file. Also parameter files for each station and shell script for FDTD calculation. Args: FDTD_DIR (str): Output directory for FDTD run FILENAME_ROOT (str): FDTD input filename prefix station (str): SEED station code dem (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Grid containing the elevation values as well as grid coordinates and metadata H_MAX (int or float): Max grid height [m] TEMP (int or float): Temperature for sound speed calculation [K] MAX_T (int or float): Duration of FDTD simulation [s] (make sure it extends across your grid) DT (int or float): Simulation time (`DT` :math:`\\leq` `dem.spacing` / :math:`c\\sqrt{3}`, where :math:`c` is sound speed) SRC_FREQ (int or float): Source frequency [Hz] (make sure at least 20 wavelengths per `dem.spacing`) SNAPOUT (int or float): Snapshot output interval [s] """ print('--------------') print('CREATING RTM INPUT FILES FOR FDTD') print('--------------') plotcheck = 1 # plot stations on DEM as a check r = 287.058 # [J/(kg*K)]; universal gas constant rho = 101325/(r*TEMP) # [kg/m^3]; air density calculation c = np.sqrt(1.402 * r * TEMP) # [m/s]; adiabatic sound speed # set up x/y grid and DEM x = np.array(dem.x-dem.x.min()) y = np.array(dem.y-dem.y.min()) xmax = x.max() ymax = y.max() print('Max_x = ' + str(xmax)) print('Max_y = ' + str(ymax)) print('Max Z = ' + str(H_MAX)) print('Min H = 0') print('dh = ' + str(dem.spacing)) # Save DEM into one-column text file from lower-left to upper-right, row by # row if not os.path.isdir(FDTD_DIR + 'input/'): os.makedirs(FDTD_DIR + 'input/') topo_file = FDTD_DIR + 'input/' + 'elev_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' # unravel elevation to write to a file elev = np.ravel(dem) elev[np.where(np.isnan(elev))] = 0 elev[elev < 0] = 0 # now deal with stations station_file = FDTD_DIR + 'input/' + 'sta_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' with open('local_infra_coords.json') as f: LOCAL_INFRA_COORDS = json.load(f) # get station lat/lon and utm coordinates proj = _proj_from_grid(dem) staloc = {} # lat,lon,z stautm = {} # utmx, utmy, utmzone staxyz_g = {} # x,y,z in FDTD grid staxyz = {} # x,y,z actual values for i, sta in enumerate(station): try: staloc[i] = LOCAL_INFRA_COORDS[sta] stautm[i] = proj.transform(staloc[i][0], staloc[i][1]) # find station x/y grid point closest to utm x/y staxyz_g[i] = [np.abs(dem.x.values-stautm[i][0]).argmin(), np.abs(dem.y.values-stautm[i][1]).argmin(), staloc[i][2]] staxyz[i] = [dem.spacing*x for x in staxyz_g[i][0:2]] #z value already in actual units staxyz[i].append(staxyz_g[i][2]) except KeyError: print('Failed! No matching station coordinates found for %s' % sta) raise # plot stations/etc on DEM as a check if plotcheck: line_s = np.arange(0, H_MAX, 20) fig1 = plt.figure(1) fig1.set_size_inches(4.5, 6) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.imshow(dem, origin='lower', extent=[min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)], cmap='jet') ax.contour(x, y, dem, line_s, colors='k', linewidths=.35) ax.set_aspect('equal') for i, sta in enumerate(station): ax.plot(staxyz[i][0], staxyz[i][1], 'wo') ax.text(staxyz[i][0]+10, staxyz[i][1]+10, sta) # save files for FDTD input print('Saving elevation file...%d values' % len(elev)) f = open(topo_file, 'w') # elevation header: x,y,dx,dy f.write(str(len(x)) + ' ' + str(len(y)) + ' ' + str(float(dem.spacing)) + ' ' + str(float(dem.spacing)) + '\n') for ii in range(len(elev)): f.write(str(int(round(elev[ii]))) + '\n') f.close() print('Done') print('Saving station file') f = open(station_file, 'w') for i, sta in enumerate(station): temp_x = int(round(staxyz[i][0])) temp_y = int(round(staxyz[i][1])) temp_z = int(round(staxyz[i][2])) f.write(sta + ' ' + str(temp_x) + ' ' + str(temp_y) + ' ' + str(temp_z) + '\n') f.close() # create vertical profiles for FDTD. Static values for now num_rows = int((H_MAX/dem.spacing) + 1) h_array = np.arange(0, H_MAX+2, dem.spacing) c = '%.2f' % round(c, 2) # Round to two decimal places c_file = FDTD_DIR + 'input/' + 'vel_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' cid = open(c_file, 'w') for ii in range(0, num_rows): cid.write(str(float(h_array[ii])) + ' ' + str(c) + '\n') # why is this a float? cid.close() rho = '%.2f' % round(rho, 2) # Round to two decimal places rho_file = FDTD_DIR + 'input/' + 'den_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' rhoID = open(rho_file, 'w') for ii in range(0, num_rows): rhoID.write(str(float(h_array[ii])) + ' ' + rho + '\n') rhoID.close() print('TOPO_FN = ' + topo_file) print('C_FN = ' + c_file) print('RHO_FN = ' + rho_file) print('STA_FN = ' + str(station_file)) print('STA_NUM = ' + str(len(station))) sh_name = 'runall_'+FILENAME_ROOT+'' fsh = open(FDTD_DIR+sh_name, 'w') fsh.write('#!/bin/sh\n') fsh.close() if not os.path.isdir(FDTD_DIR + 'input/'): os.makedirs(FDTD_DIR + 'input/') # loop through every stations and make param file for i, sta in enumerate(station): foutnamenew = FILENAME_ROOT+'_'+sta+'.param' # make sure relevant directories exist OUTDIRtmp = 'output_'+sta if not os.path.exists(FDTD_DIR+OUTDIRtmp): os.makedirs(FDTD_DIR+OUTDIRtmp) # see infraFDTD manual for more info f = open(FDTD_DIR+foutnamenew, 'w') f.write('PATH input=./input output=./'+OUTDIRtmp+'\n') f.write('FDMESH x=%d y=%d max_elev=%d dh=%d \n' % (xmax, ymax, H_MAX, dem.spacing)) f.write('TIME T=%d dt=%.3f\n' % (MAX_T, DT)) f.write('TOPOGRAPHY elevfile=' + 'elev_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' + '\n') f.write('SOUND_SPEED profile=' + 'vel_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' + '\n') f.write('AIR_DENSITY profile=' + 'den_' + FILENAME_ROOT + '.txt' + '\n') # set monopole source at the station f.write('MSOURCE x=%.1f y=%.1f height=0 func=bharris integral=1 freq=%.1f p0=1\n' % (staxyz[i][0], staxyz[i][1], float(SRC_FREQ))) f.write('SSNAPSHOT name=sur height=0 interval=%.3f\n' % SNAPOUT) f.write('STATION name=SRC x=%.1f y=%.1f height=0\n' % (staxyz[i][0], staxyz[i][1])) f.close() print('Saving station file '+foutnamenew) # add station onto shell script fsh = open(FDTD_DIR+sh_name, 'a') fsh.write('ifd ' + foutnamenew + ' > run_' + FILENAME_ROOT+'_'+sta+'.txt \n') fsh.close() # Write DEM to pickle file for later use with open(FDTD_DIR + FILENAME_ROOT + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dem, f, protocol=-1)
[docs] def fdtd_travel_time(grid, st, FILENAME_ROOT, FDTD_DIR=None): """ Computes travel time from each station to each grid point using FDTD output surface pressure files. Args: grid (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Grid to use; output of :func:`~rtm.grid.define_grid` st (:class:``): Stream containing coordinates for each station FILENAME_ROOT (str): FDTD filename prefix FDTD_DIR (str): Output directory for FDTD run. If `None`, uses `os.getcwd()` (default: `None`) Returns: :class:`~xarray.DataArray`: 3-D array with dimensions :math:`(\\text{station}, y, x)` containing travel times from each station to each :math:`(x, y)` point in seconds (interpolated to input grid) """ print('--------------') print('USING FDTD FILES FOR RTM TIME CALCULATION') print('--------------') # If FDTD_DIR was set to None, set it to os.getcwd() if not FDTD_DIR: FDTD_DIR = os.getcwd() # Get SEED station codes stations = [tr.stats.station for tr in st] # load existing times from netcdf if they exists, and add UTM attribute if os.path.isfile(FDTD_DIR+FILENAME_ROOT+'.nc'): print('Loading %s for FDTD travel times' % (FILENAME_ROOT+'.nc')) travel_times = xr.open_dataarray(FDTD_DIR+FILENAME_ROOT+'.nc') travel_times.assign_attrs(UTM=grid.UTM) else: # get surface coordinates and elevations indx3 = np.loadtxt(FDTD_DIR + 'output_'+stations[0]+'/sur_coords.txt', dtype=int) x = np.unique(indx3[:, 0]) y = np.unique(indx3[:, 1]) nx = len(x) ny = len(y) nvals = indx3.shape[0] nsta = len(stations) tprop = np.zeros((nsta, ny, nx)) # Get geospatial info for FDTD grid from pickle file with open(FDTD_DIR + FILENAME_ROOT + '.pkl', 'rb') as f: travel_times = pickle.load(f) # create empty xarray for travel times and all stations travel_times = travel_times.expand_dims(station=[ for tr in st]).copy() # loop through each station and get propagation times to each grid point for i, sta in enumerate(stations): print('Running for %s' % sta) OUTDIRtmp = FDTD_DIR+'output_'+sta+'/' # get monopole source time and data vector src = np.genfromtxt(OUTDIRtmp + 'monopole_src_1.txt') srctvec = src[:, 0] srcdata = src[:, 1] # find the delay in the sourc peak samax = np.argmax(abs(np.diff(srcdata))) srcdelay = srctvec[samax-1] # subtract 1 because of the diff # get surface snapshot filenames fnames = glob.glob(OUTDIRtmp+'sur_pressure*.dat') # need to sort by name! this is tricky but seems to work fnames.sort(key=lambda var: [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in re.findall(r'[^0-9]|[0-9]+', var)]) nfiles = len(fnames) print('Reading in %d files for %s and calculating travel times' % (nfiles, OUTDIRtmp)) # populate surface pressure psurf = np.zeros((nfiles, ny, nx)) for ij, fnametmp in enumerate(fnames): f = open(fnametmp, 'rb') PP0 = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float64, count=nvals) f.close() psurf[ij, :, :] = np.reshape(PP0, (len(y), len(x))) tvec = np.linspace(srctvec[0], srctvec[-1], nfiles) # now determine time delays from each grid point to each station for ii in range(ny): for jj in range(nx): amax=np.argmax(np.abs(psurf[:, ii, jj])) tprop[i, ii, jj] = tvec[amax] # remove delay from peak of src-time function to get propagation time tprop[i, :, :] = tprop[i, :, :]-srcdelay print('done\n') # Assign to xarray.DataArray = tprop # Save as netcdf file for later del travel_times.attrs['UTM'] travel_times.to_netcdf(FDTD_DIR+FILENAME_ROOT+'.nc') # interpolate travel_times onto trial source grid grid = grid.expand_dims(station=[ for tr in st]).copy() fdtd_interp = grid.copy() travel_times['station'] = grid['station'] fdtd_interp = travel_times.interp_like(grid) # copy over attrs as it doesn't by default fdtd_interp.attrs = grid.attrs return fdtd_interp
[docs] def celerity_travel_time(grid, st, celerity=343, dem=None): """ Compute travel times by dividing by a single celerity value. For projected grids, distances can be 2-D or 3-D. For lat/lon grids, distances are great circles. **NOTE** If an input DEM is provided, this function will overwrite the ``tr.stats.elevation`` attribute for each Trace in the input `st` with the "clamped-to-ground" value from the DEM. Args: grid (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Grid to use; output of :func:`~rtm.grid.define_grid` st (:class:``): Stream containing coordinates for each station celerity (int or float): [m/s] Single celerity to use for travel time removal (default: `343`) dem (:class:`~xarray.DataArray`): Grid of elevation values for 3-D Euclidean distance time removal, such as output from :class:`~rtm.grid.produce_dem`. If `None`, only performs 2-D Euclidian distance time removal (default: `None`) Returns: :class:`~xarray.DataArray`: 3-D array with dimensions :math:`(\\text{station}, y, x)` containing travel times from each station to each :math:`(x, y)` point in seconds """ # Expand the grid to a 3-D array of (station, y, x) travel_times = grid.expand_dims(station=[ for tr in st]).copy() # Pre-define this boolean for speed - if this is True, then tr.stats.utm_x # etc. are defined! projected = grid.UTM # If DEM provided, clamp station elevations to the DEM surface if projected and dem is not None: for tr in st: try: # Note 1: This can be NaN even if we're within DEM extent! # Note 2: This raises a KeyError if it can't find a point # within `tolerance` of (x, y) elevation = dem.sel(x=tr.stats.utm_x, y=tr.stats.utm_y, method='nearest', tolerance=dem.spacing).data except KeyError: elevation = np.nan # We're outside the DEM extent if not np.isnan(elevation): # Overwrite existing elevation (from station metadata) with # interpolated DEM elevation tr.stats.elevation = elevation else: warnings.warn(f'No valid DEM grid point found for {}, ' f'using metadata elevation instead.', RTMWarning) print('-------------------------------------------------') print(f'CALCULATING TRAVEL TIMES USING CELERITY = {celerity:g} M/S') print('-------------------------------------------------') tic = time.time() bar = _grid_progress_bar(grid) for i, x in enumerate(grid.x.values): for j, y in enumerate(grid.y.values): for k, tr in enumerate(st): if projected: # This is a UTM grid # Define x-y coordinate vectors tr_coords = [tr.stats.utm_x, tr.stats.utm_y] grid_coords = [x, y] if dem is not None: # Add the z-coordinates onto the coordinate vectors tr_coords.append(tr.stats.elevation) grid_coords.append([j, i]) # 2-D or 3-D Euclidean distance in meters distance = np.linalg.norm(np.array(tr_coords) - np.array(grid_coords)) else: # This is a lat/lon grid # Distance is in meters distance, _, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(y, x, tr.stats.latitude, tr.stats.longitude) # Store travel time for this station and source grid point # in seconds[k, j, i] = distance / celerity bar.update() toc = time.time() print(f'Done (elapsed time = {toc-tic:.1f} s)') return travel_times